Life in the Left-Hand Lane

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Friday, November 16, 2012


I've been goofing off lately from my morning walk/run.

There was a time when I wouldn't think of not going for a morning run. It tends to help me focus, zone-out, get the idea. Those of you who run or race-walk - or even just plain walk - know exactly what I'm talking about: it's that me time that we frequently forget about in the crazy, fast-paced world we live in. It helps enough that when Paul was still here, if I didn't go out for a run and was just a tad bit, um, cranky, he'd tell me, "Oh, for crying out loud, go, already!" The man was as subtle as "a box of rocks" (his words).

I'd managed to keep up the running for years...then, slowly, missed days at a time. It was one thing when I'd have an early class and have to catch the bus to get there on time.

Injuries also made it difficult. Two years ago, after falling off a ladder at roof level and landing on a cement driveway on Halloween, I was unable to go for a walk - much less a run - for months. I had gone for an hour-long walk every holiday for close to ten years; once the turkey was in the oven, off I'd head to a nearby park. I wasn't even able to do that on Thanksgiving that year. Christmas was a little iffy; the route that normally took an hour took an hour and a half then.

After that, the running slowed to walking with an occasional run...and even that got side-tracked with an occasional sprained ankle, hurt knee, what-have-you.

However, I did manage to slowly start back. Yesterday morning, I found out why I loved running (or walking). Here was the spot where I frequently caught a smell that reminded me of my grandparents' apartment; there was the barn that reminded me of where I grew up in Connecticut, as well as pleasant memories of riding lessons in New York. The wild peacock I saw (there are loads of 'em around here) brought back other memories. Between all those and the endorphins from exercise, I know I'll be getting back into running...or at least walking.

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