Life in the Left-Hand Lane

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Monday, October 22, 2012

Another dang blog...

I find it rather amusing that I'm starting another blog. Why would I do such a thing? I have several blogs that I can no longer access for several reasons. Two were on another blog site - one (my first blog ever) was titled "Walking the dog, walking myself," or something to that effect. It dealt with going out for my daily walk/run, half of which were with my old cocker spaniel, Osha, the other half, dogless. I tracked the weather, how long the walk/run went, etc. Unfortunately, I left it alone long enough after Osha died that I could no longer access the blog. Somewhere, I have a printed copy of it. The other blog on that same site was started - signed up for, email address, password - then never used. Sigh. I have several blogs here on blogger (blogspot): two deal with journalistic endeavors, one deals with the death of my husband, and several were started, then never written on, etc. Then, there are my e-portfolio and my business website, both on weebly ( and, respectively). And finally, one on wordpress, dealing with work stuff ( The point is that all of these are for specific things: work, journalism, etc. Nothing for me to simply kick back and observe life around me. That's what this is for. Why "life in the left-hand lane"? For starters, I consider myself a liberal. Secondly, I have no intentions of going onto the exit ramp any time soon. Therefore, life in the left-hand lane. I have no idea where we'll be going, what or who we'll see, or what we'll find. So, sit down, strap yourself in, and enjoy the ride.

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